Deep For The Week

Exploring Cigar Culture: A Chat with Tamara Fowler of Sticks Mobile Cigar Lounge


Have you ever wondered what it's like to pair the smooth indulgence of cigars with the vibrant energy of a mobile lounge? Join me as I chat with Tamara Fowler, the trailblazing entrepreneur behind Sticks Mobile Cigar Lounge, parked in the lively Eastern Market of downtown Detroit. Despite her initial reluctance, Tamara discovered a passion for cigars that she now shares with her husband and the world through their unique business. She offers a fascinating perspective on how cigars can be a mellowing experience, especially when paired with a fine bourbon or whiskey. Plus, Tamara provides invaluable tips on what women might seek in cigars, highlighting flavors like blueberry and vanilla that perfectly complement their taste for sweet wines.

Together, we explore the diverse offerings at Sticks Mobile Cigar Lounge, ranging from budget-friendly options to premium selections, ensuring there's a cigar for every enthusiast and beginner alike. Tamara's expertise shines as she guides newcomers—particularly women—towards sweet, flavorful cigars that can provide a gentle introduction to the world of cigar smoking. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or curious about this aromatic pastime, this episode promises a captivating exploration of cigar culture and the innovative charm of a mobile cigar bar experience. Don't miss this enlightening conversation that blends entrepreneurship, lifestyle, and the art of relaxation in one delightful package!

Kali: 0:01

It's the Deep for the Week talk show. Are you ready to talk? Let's get Deep for the Week. Hello, and thank you for joining us on the Deep for the Week show. I am your host, kali, and we are not in studio today, at home or in studio at the studio. We are actually at a mobile bar in Eastern Market, downtown Detroit, actually at a mobile bar in Eastern Market, downtown Detroit, and so today we are interviewing the owner of the mobile bar, which is an entrepreneur by the name of Tamara Fowler, and I just have a few questions for her. We also have some guests in studio with us, so her husband and they own a mobile cigar bar, and so I just wanted to ask them two questions about cigars.

Kali: 0:47

Been very interesting to me to see women smoke, and so I just wanted to interview a woman. That, okay, there's two women here smoking right now. One of them has like the cutest little kid you know I'm a real girl, it's all blamed out. I didn't even know that wouldn't really get it oh yes I want you to let us know, like more about it.

Kali: 1:09

Yes, yes, my mother loves to smoke. Her husband's gotten into smoking and, um, she's always, you know, let us meet how sister needed. But we, you know I'm smoking because, um, you know, we didn't know how to hit it right. But I have a few questions for you. So what inspired you to open a mobile cigar round?

Tamara Fowler: 1:28

yes, so my husband yeah, he's, he smoked for years. He smoked for years. Um, I started smoking up until maybe like three years ago and then I would go out with him um go to the different cigar lounges. I enjoyed it. I don't smoke cigarettes or marijuana or anything, so I was a little hesitant. I don't do hookah, all I do is drink. So when he introduced me to cigars I really did enjoy it. I really did it. Just like mellows you out, especially when you pair it with a good bourbon or whiskey.

Kali: 2:09

So how does it make you feel?

Tamara Fowler: 2:14

So for me, it just mellows me out. It just mellows me out. So it's not like you want to dance on a table or anything like that, it just mellows you out. Yeah, yes, like wine. Yes, yes, like wine.

Kali: 2:32

Like what do you suggest that a woman look for in a cigar? Like, as a woman, I know there's probably different cigars that women smoke versus what you know guys do. Do you suggest certain cigars?

Tamara Fowler: 2:46

smoke versus what you know guys, do you suggest certain cigar? Um, I think the biggest difference um is whether the gauge size you know. So there's a smaller gauge, you know, and then there's larger gauges um, most, I find that most of the women like a smaller gauge cigar. Um. Then most women like something that has flavor, that's sweet, um. So when we have ladies that come in that never smoked before, they always ask what do you recommend? So I always go to something that has a little bit more flavor, a little bit more taste to it. You know um, so you could get something that has like a, a blueberry or or um a strawberry, vanilla or something like that. Or you could go anywhere from you know a coat of chocolate and coffee flavored cigar. So anything with flavor. I think most women gravitate towards cigars that has a lot of flavor so women like their cigars, kind of how they like their wine and yes, yes and sweet

Kali: 3:50

yeah, okay, cool, okay, that's good to keep in mind and what is like the uh yeah, price range we should look for when we're looking for a good cigar so here at statesar Lounge our cigars start from $6 all the way up to $45.

Tamara Fowler: 4:06

Okay, yeah, so we try to have a wide range of cigars, different brands, different blends, so we could try to offer something for everyone.

Kali: 4:15

Okay, and where can we find Sticks Mobile?

Tamara Fowler: 4:20

Bar Lounge. So you can find us. Our website is sticksmobilesigarloungecom. So we come to you. We bring the whole 32-foot travel trailer set up to your event, okay. So, whether it's at a park or at your home or at you know a business, out on a golf course, anywhere you want us, that's where we'll come.

Kali: 4:46

Awesome. And I'm here at their bar lounge now and it's awesome, like if you wanted to rent this for even like a wedding or you know, any type of reception. It's it actually. The ambience is great and it's very upper. You know it's very mature for a mature crowd. It's great, you know, for the 30 and uppers that we just like to relax and have some wine and, you know, play some good music. This ambiance is great for that. So again, where can they find you? Do you have a number?

Tamara Fowler: 5:15

Yep, so you could call us at 734-999-2860, or you can find us on our website, which sticks mobile cigar loungecom. We're also on all social media platforms, so we're on instagram, facebook, as well as tiktok again, sticks mobile cigar lounge, okay and so we're like what are some of the ups and downs that you've had since you've opened your mobile bar lounge? Good question. Um, I don't think we have had a lot of downs because I just look at those as opportunities. You know, lessons, lessons lessons learned.

Tamara Fowler: 5:52

Yes, so even if we don't do well in sales a lot of times, we'll at least get one booking from that event and for us that's fine, we'll take it, you know. So I wouldn't say we had a lot of downs, you know, definitely a lot of ups. We have met a lot of good people in our travels. We have done, like I said, golf outings. We did the Grand Prix last year. We've been down to Eastern Market, you know, tailgating. Chief got a question, chief got a question, chief got a question.

Kali: 6:29

We're here with others today and I want them to incorporate their questions. Introduce yourself.

: 6:33

You got to tell them who you are. Man, I'm in the audience, y'all don't need to know who I am. No, but I'm Chief, but I was trying to make a play off her question. So, because you said so, this is a good like cash base, because you own everything. There's no overhead. Is there overhead? Small overhead, small overhead, but something that's really not tapping into the things you have to do for the business definitely yes, I've had to reach in our pockets well, I mean, I know like gas, like others, little stuff.

: 7:18

You know the upkeep, so I get those things. But overall, those are things you. Some of those things y'all can do without having to get paid, but other things y'all you know what I'm saying, so I get it.

Kali: 7:30

That's all I wanted to ask and so there's a lady here and she has. I want to show you, ladies, that these ladies get down, they're smoking and they got kits and it's blinged out and I asked her if she could show us her kit, and so I want to show you guys her.

Kali: 7:50

They really get into it, you guys, and so I'm going to walk around a little bit and show you guys some of her stuff, and she explained to me that this is for, like, when your cigar gets low and you poke it so that you don't have to hold it, you know, with your actual hand. And I'm just like get into it if you are like wait a minute to get me a cigar okay, hold on where you can order this from is from foxy boxy, foxy Boxy Mika on Facebook Instagram. You can get your cigar picks.

: 8:29

You can also get it from Stix Mobile. We also carry those.

Tamara Fowler: 8:33

Awesome, you guys have some Super cute right there, though, let's see the other one. Oh yeah, we know, foxy very well. Look at this.

Kali: 8:45

They get into it.

Tamara Fowler: 8:47

Yes, I see you.

Kali: 8:49

That caught my eye, so I was sitting next to her like, oh okay, even her lighter is hitting y'all it's. It's cute and blinged out and everything too.

Kali: 8:57

So yeah, the ladies are smoking, like you know I've seen my mom smoke and I was like, really, you know, she and like I said, we, we couldn't really get into it because we were hitting blunts at the same time. So she was, she kept telling us she's like it's a different hit and we just, you know it takes some time to learn the different, you know adjustments to hitting it, but it did it, you know they got. They stuck theirs in from a crew, so they got theirs from, I guess, cuba or somewhere. Okay, so what's the news on that? Like, is it illegal to bring them from over there?

Tamara Fowler: 9:26

Some Cuban cigars are legal and some are not.

Kali: 9:30

And so you can get them shipped from there.

Tamara Fowler: 9:33

For us because we're mobile, we cannot purchase cigars outside of Michigan, so all our cigars we purchase within the state of Michigan.

Kali: 9:44

And so you guys do business all over Michigan. You guys are willing to travel all over the state.

Tamara Fowler: 9:48

Yes, we are willing to travel. We have traveled, yes, so we haven't been out of state yet we have been, we have gotten offers, and so we're thinking about it. We're thinking about it.

Kali: 9:59

Okay, Well, y'all. I have a nice little charge if you guys, you know out that way and you know you might as well get some accounts out there too once we franchise, we will be out we have, so you guys plan on franchising awesome it's a thought so that is a project to go for them.

Kali: 10:22

They plan on yes I love to interview other women entrepreneurs. I have like two Too many goals. They probably think I'm ADHD, but I just seen a post today that made me feel so good. That said that you're just supposed to use all your God gifted talent, so hopefully that's what you're doing, and there's, there's never you know, too many, you know use them all. And it's good to see a strong black couple doing this. I have to incorporate that they are a black owned business and that is great to see and congratulations.

Tamara Fowler: 10:51

And how long have you guys been in business?

Kali: 10:53

for two years, just about two years now okay, so they've been in business two years and if you guys want to get somebody, I actually want to introduce you to someone because I heard you speaking earlier about um incorporating alcohol. But you know, with different and I have someone for you. You know that you guys might want to network with cheryl'm going to tag you in this. She's a mobile ball tender.

Tamara Fowler: 11:12

She's a mobile car. She does events all over the city. Maybe you guys can work together. She's very known. We could probably use her for our anniversary party next year. Cheryl, I'm going to tag her in this. You will love her. You will love her.

Kali: 11:27

She has a very great energy and vibe. Your smile is very beautiful. Thank, you.

: 11:33

Thank you. I thank you guys for your time today and hopefully I'll see you guys again soon.

Kali: 11:36

Where can we see you Like if we can't afford to rent you for like our own event? Where are you guys at, just like weekly, monthly? Do you guys have events you do on a regular basis?

Tamara Fowler: 11:44

So we do pop-ups and it varies. So right now we're down at the High Society on Friday, friday nights. Very, very nice lounge, very nice. They have an outdoor patio and we're right, we're in the alley, but it makes sense, believe me, it makes sense because we're right off of their patio, super nice. So we're there every Friday as of right now.

Kali: 12:09

Yes, Okay, well, I'm new to the city. I've been here a long time but I'm still kind of new Like it's weird. I'm from LA but I've been here five years but I go, you know I don't really get out much, so I'm still networking. I feel still new to the city. So I might come visit y'all yeah.

Kali: 12:27

Showcase the ambiance there and welcome them out, and it's been great. I thank you guys for your time. Thank you, no problem, and this is a D for the week show. Thanks for watching. I am your host, kali, and again, if you want to come on a D for week show for anything, let us know. Comment below and we'll get you started for that. Thanks for watching and this is a D for the week show. See you next time.

: 12:46

Next time.