Deep For The Week
This show gets deep every week as address topics that affect us every day . We might make you laugh , cry , and get mad here as we get deep !
Deep For The Week
Deep for the Week - Raw News: Judge Scandals and Food Contamination
Is the fast food you’re eating as safe as you think? This eye-opening episode of Deep for the Week kicks off by uncovering the alarming shutdown of TikTok accounts that dared to report raw, unfiltered news, including disturbing allegations against a prominent fast food chain involving baby teeth found in meat. We also tackle the escalating geopolitical tensions with North Korea’s suicide drones and question Kamala Harris’s political prowess amid her rising prominence. Plus, we shed light on a shocking incident involving a Detroit judge's severe treatment of a homeless teen, sparking legal action and public outrage.
Brace yourself as we address the dark side of cannabis use. Hear about a tragic case of weed-induced psychosis leading to a fatal stabbing and the controversial legal fallout. We issue strong warnings for first-time weed users and introduce the frightening new drug, pink cocaine, a dangerous cocktail with potentially deadly effects. The conversation then veers into the enigmatic realm of UFOs, featuring revelations by former Pentagon official Lou Elizondo about possible extraterrestrial interventions in nuclear technology. Could these aliens be our unexpected guardians against governmental overreach?
Finally, we turn to the wild and the weird, covering increased bear activity in Monrovia, California, and a tragic bear attack in Montana, offering practical safety advice for those in bear-prone areas. We delve into a public health scare as mosquitoes spread Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in Massachusetts, questioning the timing of such scares during political seasons. Wrapping up on a more personal note, we extend heartfelt condolences to Mariah Carey for her recent family losses, discuss Krishan Rock’s legal challenges, and spotlight the importance of protecting intellectual property with Jules Lebron’s cautionary tale. This episode is packed with critical discussions that challenge you to rethink media, politics, and social justice.
Kali: 0:21
It's the Deep for the Week talk show. Are you forget to like, share and subscribe, and if you have any input, we love to hear back from you, so comment below. Again, thanks for joining us today. Now, today we're going to go over some news. What's in the news? What's in the news? Let's talk about it, because there is a lot to talk about in the news today.
Kali: 0:42
I don't know, a lot of people don't watch the news anymore because they have internet TV, and that's the last, I'll say the last, app that people download is the news, unless you're old like me. So I don't know. But I watch the news every morning and I also get news from other places like social media, the places that the government does not want us also get news from other places like social media. You know the places that the government does not want us to get news from, because they say that it's all lies. Just as well as them. But anyways, let's talk about it. Let's talk about some TikTok news, right, okay, so first thing I want to talk about that I see on TikTok is that they do shut a lot of people's accounts down that tell the news that they might not want us to know. Why are they doing that? If it's just entertainment? If it's a lie, then it's merely entertainment. But I noticed that they are shutting down people's account and one of the accounts I noticed they shut down. I follow her and people a lot of comments on her account. Previous account that they shut down.
Kali: 1:48
They were talking about this one fast food chain. Now, I'm not going to name it because they're big and they will not love it. All right, did you go to school for the lunch? If not, then you know who I'm talking about. So, allegedly a burger chain that will not love it. They have over 10,000 contracts with hospitals and supposedly people have been finding teeth in the meat Baby teeth. Now, you, you know they have that other. I don't want to really mention that, but they have. They have stuff going on with hospitals, like you know children, hospitals, some of these fast food chains, and there's kids missing all over and people are finding children's teeth in their meat. So what is that all about? Where do teeth come out? Did a child work at that mcdonald's and lose a tooth? Is mcdonald's? Oh, are they the new tooth fairy? You know, is this fast food chain the new tooth fairy? Yeah, that's why we pre-record. So in north korea they're revealing that they have new suicide drones. I don't know what they're up to do you, but I would like to know.
Kali: 3:18
Because if our good old girl kamala gets into, uh, I don't think she'll be able to bring any type of peace in that situation. It'll probably get worse. I don't think she can be respected by anybody over there. That's tripping right now. But the numbers are growing for Kamala. The stats say she has a 55% chance of winning. I'm sad about that. Already All I can say to you guys is really y'all Like I literally, you know post stuff on Facebook just to see reactions and comments and see what you guys say all the time. And you guys are really voting for her because she's a her and because she's Black. So that's crazy. But yeah, she's doing good. Because of that, I hope that we are going to do good if she wins.
Kali: 4:14
You want your gas to go down, your rent to go down, your interest rates and shit like that. You better. Or the border to be closed it's been open on her watch. You better. Think about who you're voting for. Okay, we're going to do a show about that soon Again, I've mentioned that before and I cannot wait to do that show. Unfortunately, I've been putting it off because I cannot find any Democrats that want to come on the show for that. So, like where y'all at, we'd love to have you on Democrats, I cannot find any Democrats that want to come on the show for that. So, like, where y'all at, we'd love to have you on Democrats. Come on with the votes.
Kali: 4:52
Anyways, in Detroit some of my viewers are here, some of my viewers are in LA. It's like I'm on one coast or the other. I'm trying to get y'all some in between, but for now that's how it is. So for my LA viewers, detroit 36th District If you're from Detroit, I'm sure you know what that is, you've been there before. Can't take a pen or a phone in that motherfucker. Okay, it's the most ghettoest court I've ever been to in my life. So I'm really not shocked to hear this. Like, I've already gotten into it with two judges there because of the way they conduct themselves. Like you, okay, I'm here. You're not about to talk to me crazy because of what your position is. We can talk to each other crazy, you know. You know they really Ooh, I could say it. They really act really black up in here, you know. So I'm like you know we Black together, so let's go. You know, but recently a Detroit teen is suing a judge from 36th District, judge King. You can say his name because this is all over the news and it ain't no secret. She's suing him after being put in handcuffs in jail clothing. So she visited the court with a summer program that was taking groups of teens and preteens around during the summer to, I guess, motivate them in their future career choices. And so the courthouse the judge, was one that they were hoping would motivate these kids.
Kali: 6:24
This, this little girl, fell asleep. He probably was boring, but she really was tired. And why was she tired? Because she's homeless. Her and her mother are homeless. They sometimes sleep in the car or drive around until they fall asleep or they don't. So her mom takes her to this program to kind of get her out of that situation during the day, while she hustles for a room and just getting through that. So she's thinking this is an outlet for her daughter.
Kali: 6:57
And this judge notices her sleep in his courtroom. Now, it wasn't a formal proceeding so he really didn't have, I feel, the rights to do this and he's not most likely going to be safe as a judge because it wasn't formal proceeding you can't sue judges on certain things but it wasn't a court, like. It wasn't an actual court, a formal court proceeding. So she's suing him. But she was sleeping in this court and he, you know, woke her up and asked her why she was sleeping.
Kali: 7:36
And any who who wakes up happy, like, hey, I mean, it's very rare you might. If you're on vacation, you just run the lotto, you know. You know, you, you're gonna have a great day. You already know that in advance, or you know. But don't nobody really wake up with a great attitude. You know we got. Give me my coffee first, give me a few minutes, whatever it's, a cigarette, some fresh air, whatever you do, don't. But don't nobody just wake up cheesing. It will be awkward too, like fuck.
Kali: 8:04
So you know he he mentioned to her sleeping in court, was very rude, and he asked her does she understand that? And she's like. I don't really know what her response was. I believe it's something like she shrugged her shoulders or was like I don't care. You know like. And he asked her you know, do you care? And he proceeded with if you don't care, you know well, I'm gonna hold you in contempt. So they put her in contempt, put her clothes you know, do you care? And he proceeded with if you don't care, you know, well, I'm gonna hold you in contempt. So they put her in contempt, put her clothes you know, gel clothes, handcuffs and brought her back out in front of the crowd of kids like she was a criminal. And so now he's being sued for that, um, as he should, for 75k. I believe it's more than that, but that is what they're talking about on the news um and he just overused his authority and he was acting real black. So I hope she get her money, judge king, and it's time for him to retire.
Kali: 8:55
Anyways, I really never felt his energy like um. I watch him on tv. I've never been in front of him, I don't think, but I watch him on tv and I don't like him. I don't like him, I don't think, but I watch him on TV and I don't like him. I don't like him. I don't really like none of the black judges at 36th District Like.
Kali: 9:09
The last time I was there for a ticket for stripping, she looked at me up and down. Clearly she had to be looking me up and down because she told me I shouldn't wear flip-flops to her court. Girl, you, lucky I'm at this, motherfucker, what do you want? You know what I'm saying. Lucky I'm at this, motherfucker, what do you want? You know I'm saying but yeah, so, yeah, I'll be glad to see that girl get her money because then they can use that to get out of homelessness, you feel me, then she can get her some rest. Ukraine was hit with a power outage because russia targets their energy infrastructure with those drones who they got. Who they get them drones from y'all better keep your eyes open.
Kali: 9:52
Do you guys watch the news? So? Did you hear? Africa is splitting into two and forming a new ocean. I always thought that this was going to happen to California, and it probably is. It probably already is. They're just probably not telling people because they want people to still spend their money there. I don't know Because, like, where did that rumor come from? Some scientists, maybe that leaked it, but I don't know. So the eastern part will break off and it's doing it at a rate of a few milliliters each year. So it will take like five to 10,000 years. No worries, guys, but it is happening and yeah, isn't that interesting? So listen to this story because it was interesting to me, because I smoke weed, right, and I'm just like I've never, ever, ever in my life felt like this, not even the first time I smoked, or even if I took like a year off and started back up, not even then. So I'm just like what the fuck? But let's talk about it.
Kali: 10:59
So a cannabis-induced psychosis led a woman high on weed to kill her friend, her homeboy Okay, it was a guy and I don't even know, like bro, where was your manhood at that day? Cause I would have snuck that bitch Like you would have shot, I would have hit her friend or not. You coming at me with a knife. The first stab, I probably would have got stabbed, cause I'm like friend, you know, you know. But the second one, we're fighting. The third one, I'm definitely going to fuck you up. But he let her stab him 180 times and then she turned around, start stabbing her dog. Then she's turned around and start stabbing herself. So they had to tase her, amaze her and break her arm with the batons you know, to get the knife away from her and to detain her.
Kali: 11:54
And it's like I just don't believe weed. You know there's tons of weed smokers, we all know weed, don't do that. But guess how many years she got for doing that? Y'all? No years, just two years probation and 100 years of community service. That's nuts, right. Her charges were involuntary manslaughter. You get more time for doing identity theft. So now y'all know if she was black. So I do have to tell you she was not black, she was a white lady. She killed her. You already know that. Anyway, she would be in jail smoking weed with the homegirls because there's no way. But she's free. And I watched her do an interview today and I just I watched that interview the whole time with my mouth open, like in my glasses, down like what? No way. But yeah, that is crazy. So I guess you know y'all better watch that weed you're smoking. Maybe all of it is not real weed or something, I don't fucking know, but that don't even sound normal. That scares me to think that. So I'm not smoking with none of you first time smokers. If it's your first time you is not smoking with me. Okay, I'm just saying so.
Kali: 13:24
There's a new drug. It's called pink cocaine. It's a mixture of ketamine and ecstasy and a little bit of cocaine. So I don't even know why they call it cocaine. And after some lab tests, that's how they know it's only got a little bit of cocaine. Some of the bags have been found with whatever that shit is. So parents watch out for that because it's pink and it's. You know, colors always attract children and you may not think it's coke because it's pink, but that's what it is. It's a new pink drug and I don't know the side effects yet. You know they mentioned it's. It's horrible because it's an upper and a downer and all this stuff, but what drug ain't? So you know it's just. But watch out for the new pink cocaine, I don't know. You guys can just do anything to get high, you know.
Kali: 14:16
So the US government have a UFO hunter. You know I've always believed in UFOs and y'all thought I was crazy, you know, and weird for that. I mentioned it on my facebook years ago that I think that the government, they talk to the motherfuckers and the proof is here now they admitting it. You know, you got to know they they're talking to them. If they know this much about them, you know. But what language do they speak? Do they speak English? Is it codes? What is it? I want to know. You know they're not telling us enough, but they tell us just enough. So you guys are yeah To all of you people that believe in UFOs, y'all not crazy and they owe us an apology. We are not conspiracy theorists and watch out, don't get abducted.
Kali: 15:16
For real, though, if they abducted me, I wouldn't want to come back. I'd be like no, I don't want to go. Shit, the rent free there. You know, I'm saying let's give it, go back. When you go back to abduct somebody else, get me about a pound of weed. Yeah, all right, but no, former pentagon official lou es sando el sando has a book about it. Um, so that book gotta be very interesting.
Kali: 15:45
I'm gonna read that book because, um, you know, he from the pentagon and he's an official and he's got some stuff he wants to tell. Now you know he does mention that the UFOs have the ability to control our nuclear technology. So how do they know that? What have they stopped or tried to do or stop them from doing for them to know that? And how did they know it was aliens? You feel me? Or tried to do or stopped them from doing For them to know that? And how did they know it was the aliens? You feel me Like? Just tell us everything. Quit giving us bits and pieces. I want to know every fucking thing you know. But do you think the aliens are protecting us from our own government and all these other governments that are crazy as hell? That can just press a button and end us all? I think so. So, anyways, anyways, you guys look for that book. It should be a good book. I'm gonna read it and I'll let you guys know what I read. So y'all be careful.
Kali: 16:40
Camping, these bears are not playing this year. From here to there, as people are reporting bears breaking in and entering in monrovia, california, where I'm from, it's a community among the Foothill Mountains, like bears are just literally pulling the sliding glass door open and coming in, and I don't even know how they know where the food is. I guess they could spell it, maybe I don't know, but they know how to open cabinets, doors, open a chip bag, like whole people, and you know, swimming in people's backyards, so you really can't even let the kids play outside by themselves. Where I'm from right now, um, if you're above foothill and if you know, you know, you know. That's a community in la county. It's like 20 miles east of la, but the bears is barren, you know.
Kali: 17:25
And there's another um incident near red, montana, where a three-year-old girl was attacked while sleeping in the tent with her family and her condition is horrible. I don't know like how bad, like she's going to live or not, they're not really stating that, but she was in critical condition and there was food and garbage near the tent. Now y'all got to quit being lazy because I know it would be signs everywhere and that's just common sense. Like, do you Google things, do's and don'ts before you go camping? Well, you should, especially if you're taking kids and you might want to take a dog so that, like you know, they start barking something's near. You know, unless it's like a shih tzu, don't take that, because then they're food their food, but like, definitely not be lazy enough to walk a couple hundred feet away and throw that food away, because that is a factor. And then in Yellowstone, montana, last year a 40 year old girl was jogging on the trail and on on a just mauled to death. So she she was killed by a bear.
Kali: 18:26
And then in May, massachusetts, a man seen a cub. I don't know if he hugged it, touched it. You know people be doing stupid ass shit because like you see a cub. I'm going that way, but I I don't know. The mom came soon after and attacked him while he was hiking. So be careful, because the bears clearly are hungry. And I don't know like things have been changing since covid. The whole goddamn world. Everything's weird, everything's acting weird, even the animals in the sea, creatures, everything, so like. We don't know what's really going on up in there in the woods back that far, and why are they coming down here, you know? So I do not judge them, but give them that space, because you can't not beat them unless you got a real big gun like for real. Gotta be a good one too.
Kali: 19:18
So breaking news massachusetts, part of massachusetts, is on lockdown for mosquitoes that are deadly. This lockdown is after dark. Does that sound familiar? It's spreading some type of disease called eastern equine encephalitis. Don't quote me on how to say that, but just call it. Eee, that's what they calling it already, because they know we don't know how to say that shit and they just made it up. They damn self already, because they know we don't know how to fucking say that shit, and they just made it up there themselves, because where do they get the names for diseases when they just come out of nowhere. So you name that today and guess who is the first case of it? Just ironically, isn't it ironic, don't you think?
Kali: 20:10
During politics, you know, this season they're trying to do another lockdown for mosquitoes that had Dr Fauci Fauci, I like to call him Fauci. What is his name? Anthony Fauci, it should be Fauci. He's a nigga. He, fauci as hell. It should be Fauti, he, fauti as hell.
Kali: 20:33
I don't even know how we, how is he over our health? All these old people need to go. He's like 80-something too, I think. I don't know. He's old, he's an elder, so that's why he's affected by stuff so easily. But I don't even trust him. Did he inject himself so that there'll be a reason for lockdown? Because, like, there's no other way to get this shit out here, and if we get it going, like I really think he's really cut, like that, when I look at him it gives me the creep. Like you guys see monsters with, like I see monsters and I see him and Biden and Kamala Look at her neck, anyway, anyway, neck, anyway, anyways.
Kali: 21:14
So yeah, be careful with the mosquitoes. You know mosquitoes do not like garlic, so if you just feel like some garlic in your pocket, you might be funky to the people next to you, like what the fuck is that smell, but you won't get beat up. Or if you don't want to do that, then mint so you can get you some mint oil and make you like a spray out of it with some water half mint, half water. You know, just spray yourself before you leave every day, because you know they up to something. It's west now, or is this, it's like, and covid is back on the rise. I did have some friends in on the west Coast that had it already. So you know, just watch them y'all.
Kali: 21:54
Dr Fauci, he's out the hospital now, but he was hospitalized for it. Dr Fauci, you know who I'm talking about. Fauci, is that how you say it? I never said Fauci, I always called him Fauci. But he's out the hospital and he's okay. So whatever y'all gave him, give everybody else to get it, cause if his 80 something year old ass made it through and got in and out that fast, and so could somebody else to 16 and 12. So quit playing with us, don't even try to play with us. Where's Trump when you drink some bleach? When you drink some bleach, you'll be okay. No, I'm just playing. So, anyways.
Kali: 22:34
Um, cash app has a settlement going. Let me use cash app between august 23, 2018 and august 20th to 2024 this year. You might qualify it's like, I think, 2500 to 5000, and the reason for the lawsuit is a former employee downloaded our info and I don't know what they did with it, but clearly they did something with it that compromises us, and so you can look that up and get your money as well. When you Google it, the information is there. You don't be afraid to read, folks. You guys don't like to read. Scroll down, scroll down and hit the blue thing that says application or form I think one of the two, but you got to read. So don't get distracted by how much you got to read or how much you got to scroll to get to that point, but get your money. They're giving out free money. I never get free money, which y'all do, so I'm telling y'all about it. Thank me later and you could send me some. My birthday coming. I'm sorry anyways.
Kali: 23:39
So the astronauts that were supposed to come back, or they're supposed to only be in space for eight days I don't even know if they're really up there. You know, we really don't know if anybody's ever been out of space. We, we don't even know if they really up there. You know, we really don't know if anybody's ever been out of space. We, we don't know if they're telling the truth, but they're supposedly out of space and they've been there for 80 days, out of zero to that eight, and they're supposed to be there for eight days. And, um, they'll now be there till february. So the rumor is there. You know, they're there forever and if they don't come home in February, maybe that's true, but they're saying they're going to make it home in February.
Kali: 24:17
So I just wonder what they're up there thinking or doing. Are they thinking what I'm thinking? I'm like they ain't coming. They just telling us that. And if that's the case, like, are they like? You know, let's just do our thing, you know, because this might be some of our last fucking days, literally, marry, do they know your wife going to be up there fucking him? Right, they're humans. If they think that they ain't coming back home, wouldn't you want to have sex for one last time? It's just interesting. I, I'll be wanting to know, like you know. And then like, if they do have sex, did they take condoms? And if not, you know how? How strong is this pullout game because she can't get pregnant up there and then, if she does, where's the baby from? We all want, you know, um, that's the shit I'll be thinking about. That's that's what I do when I smoke weed. I don't go killing motherfuckers. I be thinking shit like that. But yeah, I do want to know, like, what's going on in there. They'll never tell, I'm sure, but you know, I think that they're doing the bump Sixth and sixth, yeah, yeah.
Kali: 25:53
So the feds is taking kroger and albersons to court over a merge, and I'm glad that they're doing this, um, because they feel that grocery prices will increase more than they are. And if they do the way my kid, I already spent 1200 a month on groceries and ain't nobody a teenager yet. So this shit's scary. You know they won't give me food stamps. I've applied many times and they'd be like no, and so you know, I know men that don't have children. I've worked with men at the strip club that get food stamps. I won't say no names, I won't blast them, you know. I know they make enough money to not need food stamps because I pay them to work, and so does 20 other girls some some days, you know, and we don't pay $5 to work. We pay like 25, 15, you know, depending on what time you come, you know what shift and, um, yeah, they give them food stamps and not me. So we do need them to work on that. That merge does not need to happen, because what happens is, if they merge, they knock out all the other competitors and then they're able to raise the prices because where else are we gonna go? All the other competitors are gone, so we can raise our prices because you have to come here and the price is already high enough. So we do need that to um to to not happen. I think it will be in our best interest. So keep your eye on that, you guys.
Kali: 27:26
And entertainment what's going on with the celebrities? Mariah Carey, poor Mariah Carey, I never really cared for her attitude, um, but I, you know, I don't want to see nobody in pain, and she lost her mom and her sister on the same day. So how deep is that, like, how sad is that? So shout out to Mariah Carey and um, condolences because she lost her mom and her sister. So, like, who does she mourn her mom with, you know? And like, dang, two funerals, have to plan two at the same time. Jeez. So poor Mariah. Hopefully Nick Cannon's, you know, being a good partner and being by her side. Condolences to Mariah Carey Detroit's doing pretty well with the preseason, with only, I think, one loss 3-14 to the Giants.
Kali: 28:24
I think I'm going to start betting.
Kali: 28:25
Don't count out the Giants.
Kali: 28:29
So I think I'm going to start betting. You know, don't count out the underdog. Yeah, so Krishan Rock. I don't know why I always want to call her Krishene but Krishan, who I don't even know if that's her real name. Who named her, why? But if you know, you know who she is. Poor thing. I have a lot of love in my heart for her.
Kali: 28:50
I don't think she had great beginnings. She didn't have no guidance and so, like what else would happen to someone that doesn't have guidance in the industry? Exactly what happened to her. But she is in Craig County, oklahoma, facing cannabis charges with intent to distribute, and she was a passenger in the car and the driver didn't pay the toll. So the troopers pulled him over, smelled weed, searched her car, krishan admitted it was hers and boom, now she's in jail. She was extradited from California, backlahoma, so she could do her time, because oklahoma ain't playing that california shit like oh, california we overcrowded so we let motherfuckers out on probation, but oklahoma was like come over here because we need you over here in jail. We lined up whoa.
Kali: 29:40
I feel bad for her, though, because each charge in each state is um, trying to give her four years for each charge, so the baby is only, like, you know, barely one or under one, and he'll never. He won't even know his mom, you know, unless whoever has custody of him is taking him to go see her, and that's you know. So shout out to Krishan I do have a little love in my heart for her. I feel so bad for her. I don't think that the way she is, it's her fault, and so, like people like that, I don't judge them. I wish I could talk to her and be like so you know, let's get it together, boo, because she has so much potential.
Kali: 30:18
She was supposed to be a track star and all these other things, and she let the entertainment industry distract her and this nigga blue face. We all go through that, you know like, especially if you don't have good beginnings or good parents that know how to love you properly. There are addicts and all these things, and when you find love you. Could you go all the way? You go all the way up for that shit, because that's like the first time experiencing if you don't have good parents. So I think that's what she was going through with Blueface and it just really was her demise. And now nobody really has her back. Everybody, even people, social media, everywhere you go, they're talking about how fucked up and stupid and how bad of a mom she is. But I don't think that's what she needs. Y'all need to stop that too, because I got some receipts on a lot of people. Y'all need to stop that too, because I got some receipts on a lot of people.
Kali: 31:08
Anyways, so Jules Lebron is upset Because she feels Do you know who she is? Now, I don't even know. Is she a girl? Y'all let me know, comment and let me know. And I'm not trying to be funny, I'm really serious, I'm really asking For real, because they don't. You look her up tiktok, facebook, wherever you go, whatever social media. I'm sure she's probably on all of them, but I don't. I think she's a trans, but anyhow, jules lebron and the name don't sound. You sound like anyhow.
Kali: 31:44
She's upset because she feels the phrase demure very mindful. I didn't even know it was a thing until y'all start posting about how y'all tired of hearing about it. I did not even see the stupid ass video because I don't know like, because maybe my algorithm it's it really talks about smart stuff, like you know, government stuff, like stuff that's going on in politics, stuff that's going on in politics, stuff that's going on in real world. It don't. I don't get stuff like that on my algorithm too much, so I didn't really know about the whole demir very mindful until y'all start talking about it. Y'all word out more than her because y'all start talking about it so much. And anyhow, she's upset because her demure very mindful it's been trademarked by a jefferson bates from washington and after, you know, she started branding and making a clothing line and all these things with that demure very mindful or is already, you know, in the process of being made and marketed all of this stuff. Now I guess she's gonna have to pay jefferson bates from washington a portion of that, you know.
Kali: 32:56
And so what did we learn today, you guys, about that, if you believe in your brand, you in yourself, whatever it is that you're doing, even if it's just a saying you made up, you know and you believe that it's going to go viral, it's going to trend, it's going to be on shirts, it's going to be something you better. Trademark that, god. How much does that cost? And how do you do that? Like a lot of you, laymen do not know how to do stuff like that. But if you want to step outside of being that, you just you know there is Google, which is very convenient. We used to have to go to the library, but you can Google how to do that. But I'll tell you one way to do it, because I'm not a gatekeeper how to do that, but I'll tell you one way to do it because I'm not a gatekeeper. There's a, there's a agency called LegalZoom and they do stuff like that for you. They help you with business license and trademarks, copyright and all of that. So you pretty much you just tell them what you want it to say and then they do the work for you, charge you a fee and have your shit to you within a couple of hours or a couple of weeks, depending on how much you're willing to pay. So you don't have to go through that. If you really believe in what you're doing and it's going to blow up like that, then you should definitely be trademarking your stuff. Okay, and so that is the news today.
Kali: 34:23
Again, I want to thank you guys for always joining us, watching us and supporting us on the previous episodes and all your feedback. It's been great. I want to thank all of my guests. You guys have been great and very transparent, and if there's something that you would like to come on the Deep for the Week show about something you want to discuss, something you'd like to talk about something, anything that you want us to talk about and you don't want to come on but you would like to see us discuss, let us know. Comment below and let us know. And again, if you want to be a guest, we'd love to have you, as we're always looking for guests to be on the deep for the week show and get deep with us. So again, thanks for watching. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. And you're watching the Deep for the Week show. See you next time.